Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Know What Learn 11 Jan 2011


What do I already know about prejudice?

I guess prejudice is about a kind of discrimination towards a particular group of people which is not shown directly but could be felt.

What do I want to know/learn about prejudice?

I want to know more about how prejudice begins, why some people has prejudice against a particular group of people and how prejudice can be prevented.

What have I learnt from this activity on prejudice?

I learn that prejudice is to judge a somebody without actually knowing them. Prejudice is to 'pre-judge' somebody's personality simply base on outer appearance or first impression. Therefore, many starts to develop stereotypes(usually negative) about these people. And when there is stereotypes(negative) about a particular group of people, they would not be given fair opportunities in society like others and they can also be harmed either physically or emotionally (discrimination).


Prejudice is a negative opinion about a group of people without actually knowing or seeing them.

Discrimination is unfair treatments, acts or which harm people who are being discriminated. It could be caused by prejudice.


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